Till Death Do Us Part + The Darkness Under The Water Foul + Dice, softback adventures for D&D 5th edition, AD&D 1st edition and Castles & Crusades


Till Death Do Us Part + The Darkness Under The Water Foul + Dice, softback adventures for D&D 5th edition, AD&D 1st edition and Castles & Crusades, by Heidi Gygax Garland and Erik Gygax Garland

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Till Death Do Us Part + The Darkness Under The Water Foul + Dice, softback adventures for D&D 5th edition, AD&D 1st edition and Castles & Crusades, by Heidi Gygax Garland and Erik Gygax Garland


Till Death Do Us Part (Dungeon Module GG1)

“The mission: Heiress, a local lady from a celebrated house, has been kidnapped by a nasty commoner thug. He is rumoured to be holding her hostage on abandoned Governor’s Island, just north of Sørholde, while he searches for the signet ring from the house of Ukoh An.

The offer: Return with the lady Heiress and the ring of Ukoh An and you will be handsomely rewarded. In fact, return the villain Crikpaw for an additional reward. His head will do nicely as proof of justice done.

What could possibly go wrong?”


The Darkness Under The Water Foul (Dungeon Expansion GG1)

“Return for a deeper delve into the dark caverns of Governor’s Island. While the brave halfling party failed to complete their first mission there, now, back in Sørholde, the friends cannot shake the pervasive feeling that they must return with the keys gifted to them by the Septapus and unlock mystery and untold fortune that lies in wait at the former seat of power of the coastal city.”



You also get two custom dice – a d6 and a d20 – featuring the Gaxland logo.



“How did this happen?

Heidi has an annual commitment to run a few games at each Gary Con. When she and I became a we, we decided to run the games as a team. A bit later I created a fun cover mock-up of a module (loosely based on our story) while on a boring conference call. I shared the cover with Heidi and posted it on social media. The response was encouraging and we decided to run with the idea. The simple module we wanted to run at the con morphed into a gift for our wedding reception guests. A cover was commissioned by artist and friend James V. West. The module grew and more art was commissioned. As the project grew in scope, we commissioned even more art, including custom character sheets, a lovely half page of art by Mike Wilson, an old school blue and white map by author and master cartographer Stephen D. Sullivan, and always more writing. We started writing this for 5e but Erik is a C&C fan so we added the conversions for that system. Since Heidi is the daughter of Gary Gygax we added the conversions for 1E as well.”


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