The Shop on the Borderlands – Classic & New Roleplaying Games, Board Games, War Games & more!
Welcome to the UK’s best selection of new, second hand and out of print roleplaying games. Wish you’d bought that boxed set, adventure or supplement that you saw in a tiny games shop in 1985 and never found again? Well, now you can.
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Dungeons & Dragons (1608)
New to roleplaying games? Start here! (18)
Sale Products (1144)
Gift Vouchers (4)
Old School Renaissance (OSR) (386)
Cthulhu (220)
Traveller (422)
Indie RPG Showcase (135)
Pathfinder (209)
Starfinder (49)
7th Sea (12)
A Game of Thrones RPG / A Song of Ice and Fire RPG (3)
Cyberpunk (48)
Cypher System (49)
d20 Modern (43)
Doctor Who (30)
Fantasy Age, Dragon Age and Blue Rose (20)
Fate, Fudge and The Dresden Files (15)
GURPS (79)
Hero System and Champions (74)
Legend of the Five Rings (20)
Middle-Earth Role-Playing Games (96)
Paranoia (32)
Pendragon and Paladin (24)
Powered By The Apocalypse RPGs (30)
Rifts and other Palladium RPGs (66)
Rolemaster & HARP (106)
RuneQuest, HeroQuest & Mythras (121)
Savage Worlds and Deadlands (91)
Shadowrun (114)
Star Trek (44)
Star Wars (71)
Tales From The Loop and Things From The Flood (20)
Tales of the Valiant (6)
Warhammer and The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battles Game (185)
World of Darkness, Ars Magica and Exalted (201)
Other Role-Playing Games (1742)
Other Wargames, Board Games and Card Games (429)
Magazines (1019)
Dice (257)
Miniatures & Painting (1831)
Gamebooks (158)
Novels, Graphic Novels, Comics & Other Books (615)
Books about Games (57)
Gifts for Gamers (31)
Science Fiction and Fantasy Art (50)
Videogame RPGs and other RPG software (8)