The Dee Sanction Core Rules, softback roleplaying game


The Dee Sanction Core Rules, softback roleplaying game, by Paul Baldowski




The Dee Sanction Core Rules, softback roleplaying game, by Paul Baldowski

“The Dee Sanction is an award-winning tabletop role-playing game about serving Queen and country in the late Tudor period. While kingdoms vie for power and the Church splinters under the pressure of reform, folklorish creatures emerge from enforced hiding seeking revenge against those who imprisoned them.

As magic and creatures of the supernatural proliferate throughout the land, Queen Elizabeth passed an Act Against Conjurations, Enchantments and Witchcrafts in 1563, making the punishment for acts of magic severe. In 1564, John Dee and Francis Walsingham convinced the Queen to pass an amendment to the Act — The Dee Sanction — permitting the practice of magic in defence of the realm.

You are an Agent of Dee, not out of choice, but out of some twisted sense of self-preservation. Somewhere between conscription and penance, you work for Walsingham and Dee to make amends, with a faint hope that you can use your talents to earn your pardon and absolution.

You can see the light at the end of the tunnel. If only you can outrun the shadows of your past and the horrors of the present…

The Dee Sanction is a self-contained role-playing game. A 68-page black-and-white illustrated compact-sized core book (A5, 148 x 210mm/5.8 x 8.3 inches) including:

  • a character generation system, including random Agent creation and Tradecraft system to leverage contacts, magic and special equipment
  • a Short Tudor History, a brief timeline of events, and a description of key enemies of Elizabethan England
  • a simple, self-contained system for handling threats, hazards and consequences with an approach that always pushes onward
  • a bestiary of supernatural and common enemies, plus a full introductory adventure, “Lost in Translation“



The Dee Sanction is a fabulous setting, dripping with flavour and atmosphere… clearly properly researched so that it not only makes sense from a cod historical point of view, but also from an actual one. It’s just fabulous and nothing like anything I’ve read before. It’s a game I can’t wait to run for my own group. — Bud’s RPG Reviews, ★★★★
The Dee Sanction is a beautifully presented book with evocative artwork, honed to terse perfection, with a light but effective game engine and just enough setting to start your own game quickly. It’s refreshingly different in tone from most games I’ve seen before, and I look forward to running or playing it. — Signals from Delta Pavonis

Gamers who appreciate elegance and simplicity will find The Dee Sanction approachable, easy to learn, teach others, and foster great stories. Those who also happen to be interested in Tudor history or the occult will also find these themes solidly at the game’s core—not merely an afterthought. Everything about the game’s mechanics further supports its themes. — Rolling Boxcars

The Dee Sanction is a fantastical little offering of desperate horror and occult investigative roleplaying in a different age, but one with which we will be familiar from our fascination with the period. It is easily accessible in terms of the setting, just as is its horror and its set-up, all eased by simple mechanics that create interesting Agents and make gameplay quick. — Reviews from R’lyeh

The system requires either a full polyhedral dice set (minus the D20) or can be played with a deck of ordinary playing cards.”


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