Sorcery! 3 – The Seven Serpents, paperback Fighting Fantasy gamebook


Sorcery! 3 – The Seven Serpents, paperback Fighting Fantasy gamebook, by Steve Jackson

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Sorcery! 3 – The Seven Serpents, paperback Fighting Fantasy gamebook, by Steve Jackson

“The fate of the land of Kakhabad is in YOUR hands!

Seven deadly and magical serpents speed ahead of you to warn the evil Archmage of your coming. Will you be able to catch them before they get there?

Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are all you need for this adventure – YOU decide which paths to take, which dangers to risk and which monsters to fight.

Complete with all the magical spells you will need, The Seven Serpents can be played either on its own, or as part of the whole epic.”


The adventure sheet is unused.

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