Menzoberranzan – City of Intrigue, hardback Forgotten Realms supplement for D&D 4th edition


Menzoberranzan – City of Intrigue, hardback Forgotten Realms supplement for D&D 4th edition, by Brian R. James and Eric Menge

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Menzoberranzan – City of Intrigue, hardback Forgotten Realms supplement for D&D 4th edition, by Brian R. James and Eric Menge

“Menzoberranzan: City of Intrigue provides an in-depth exploration of the greatest drow city in the Dungeons & Dragons game and Forgotten Realms campaign setting. It contains all of the information a Dungeon Master needs to run adventures or an entire campaign based in this treacherous city, including descriptions of city locations, drow houses, key organizations, and the precarious political landscape.

It also gives players the information they need to create characters who are members of drow houses or organizations within Menzoberranzan, as well as explains the benefits and rivalries that come with choosing a particular allegiance.”



Note that this supplement is mostly edition-neutral. There’s plenty to interest the 2nd and 3rd edition (and 5th) DM here too.

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