Pirate Isles, softback supplement for Conan – The Roleplaying Game


Pirate Isles, softback supplement for Conan – The Roleplaying Game

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Pirate Isles, softback supplement for Conan – The Roleplaying Game

“Know, o reader, that poised within the covers of this tome lie various texts describing all manner of brutal and sadistic sea dogs. From the silk-pantalooned Red Brotherhood to the dusky menace of the corsairs of the Black Kingdoms, from the swashbuckling rovers of the Barachan Isles to the ruthless privateers of Zingara.

All these assorted brigands and more besides await you amongst the Pirate Isles, the latest explosive sourcebook for Conan – The Roleplaying Game. Seeking the freedom that only the sea can bring, these renegades prey on the weak and helpless, piling their decks high with bloodstained gold and hapless captives destined for the slave blocks of a dozen lands.”

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