Phantom of the Northern Marches, softback adventure for MERP


Phantom of the Northern Marches, softback adventure for MERP


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Phantom of the Northern Marches, softback adventure for MERP

“Three low-to-mid level adventures which each stand on their own and can be set up in minutes.

A simple tree house sits in the shadow of the peak called Pen-Drebi. Inside, a horrible revenge is being planned against the sleepy village of Nothva Raglaw. Can you face the menace of The Phantom of the Woods?

An intruder from the Ettenmoors haunts a cave in the Witbeamwyd. Farmers report missing livestock. At night the earth trembles with heavy thuds, and daylight reveals huge, yard-long footprints. Is it a monstrous Troll? Is is a ghost? Can you solve The Riddle of the Ridorthû?

A huge firedrake has crawled out of the shadows of the northern Misty Mountains. His path of fiery destruction leads to the Witbeamwyd and the town hall where he lies unchallenged. Can you match the massive strength and hot breath of Gerse’s Bane?

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