Fatal Experiments – Three Investigations into the Sinister and Macabre, softback adventures for Call of Cthulhu 1920s


Fatal Experiments – Three Investigations into the Sinister and Macabre, softback adventures for Call of Cthulhu 1920s




Fatal Experiments – Three Investigations into the Sinister and Macabre, softback adventures for Call of Cthulhu 1920s

“Fatal Experiments is a collection of three independent 1920s adventures for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. Two of the three scenarios are suitable for both beginning and experienced players, making this book a perfect companion for first-time buyers of the Call of Cthulhu game system. The remaining adventure is unusually dangerous – to be played only by experienced, foolhardy investigators.

The article New & Old Weapons for Call of Cthulhu discusses black-powder weaponry, and details many unusual and custom guns that have been created by enterprising gunsmiths, or that might be commissioned by investigators. Two 2-page fold-outs illustrating many of these antique or unusual firearms are provided.”

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